Dive Deeper Into Maddy Davis' "Happy Life"

Jackie Verba

Maddy Davis’ second single release “Happy Life'' throws an unexpected and heavy-hitting punch to the guts. This song acts as a sequel to her previous release “Would You Object?” in which Davis puts herself in a dream state – questioning whether or not a former love interest would ever object to her wedding. Crafting an emotionally complex story, deeply embedded in the “what if’s'” and anxious day-dreaming’s of the world, Davis’ growth is hauntingly relatable to every 20-something getting lost in their own head. 

“Would You Object?” has questions that vary from ones the narrator already knows the answers to, to ones that the narrator definitely does not want to know the answer to. As the song goes darker into a deluded imagination, the constant questioning starts to emanate regret and a hyperventilating sense of confusion. But before you can even think about that, everything is engulfed with crazy drums and rock-heavy guitar riffs. 

“Happy Life” begins with a lullaby with seemingly definite statements. As the storyline of the song reaches a twist, the instrumentals shift into something leagues louder, with drums and guitar taking over above a series of rigid synths. The lyrics and instrumentals teeter between a narrator having her head in the clouds and that same narrator coming to deeply sobering conclusions.

Upon its recent release, “Happy Life” landed on both of Spotify’s coveted “Fresh Finds” and “Fresh Finds Rock.” In my opinion, Davis’ “Would You Object for a Happier Life?” is if Taylor Swift’s Speak Now era had a child with The Balcony album by Catfish and the Bottlemen. Surrounded by a community of truly impressive creatives, this upcoming project has only good things going for it. When asked about the difference between her last EP and this upcoming project, Davis describes it as “writing with a different bone in my body” regarding the creative process. Davis states that “this project is a very clear maturing moment” and there is a final sense of “accepting adulthood” with it all. 

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