Philine Sonny Shares New Song “Take a While”

Kieran Kohorst
Credit: Nicolas Blanchadell

We’ve long been lectured that patience is a virtue, but chances are you haven’t heard this age-old lesson delivered as convincingly as you’ll hear in Philine Sonny’s newest release, “Take a While.” Not only does the track preach patience but it practices it, beginning at an eased pace that builds to moments of climactic vocals and instrumentation. Central to the song is the belief that conceding a relationship may not be as beneficial as being stubborn - rather than things not being meant to be, you can have faith in what things will become. Commenting on the song in a press release, Sonny explains that “Take a While’ is “a loving letter to anyone struggling to let their vulnerability outlive the pain.” The pain she alludes to is still present as you hear her on that track, but it's clear her strength to overcome prevails over her urge to sever ties. The battle is still being fought within the song, with time being the only one qualified to declare a true winner. Encouragingly enough for now, Sonny sounds steadfast in her decision to persevere. 

Based and growing up in Germany, Philine Sonny has developed the right kind of momentum as she prepares for what will likely be her most prolific year yet in 2024. She’s already announced the release of a new EP for March of next year, and has shared two singles from the project in “Take a While” and previous release “Drugs.” Through her visuals and live shows, Philine Sonny is giving fans reason to believe that their patience for March of next year will be well worth it. 

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