Albums Released in June You Should Be Listening To

Olive Soki

Time flies by when you’re having fun and doing more or less the same thing everyday. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and suddenly you find yourself in a world where two musical giants have dipped their toes into house music. While our routines might not have changed in the last month, it doesn’t seem to be the case for music. So to debrief you on the latest, here’s a non-exhaustive list of exciting albums released this month.

play it pretty By Hether

Recommended tracks: “chem bath” and “escargo”

I first got into Hether the week he announced the first single to his recent album, play it pretty. I first listened to “photographs,” loved it, and decided that I needed more. So I went back and checked out his previous EP, Sticky Thumb, and instantly fell in love. Considering the EP was reportedly – more or less – completed in one day, I couldn’t wait to see what he would deliver on a full length project.

Haunting yet refreshing, play it pretty feels like an extended continuation of the style introduced in Sticky Thumb. Altered vocals, soft percussion, and wonky guitar tones galore, play it pretty is the kind of album you’d gladly melt into on a blisteringly hot summer's day. Contributing to its charm are the vulnerable and descriptive lyrical patterns. Tracks like “photograph,” “fishy,” and “dirty claws” all feature highly descriptive lyrics that clearly and uniquely depict dreamy and loving themes. Marking his second solo release so far, Hether once effectively showed off his unique and captivating sound, while simultaneously offering the perfect record for a beachy and surf-heavy day.

Janky Star by Grace Ives

Recommended tracks: “Loose” and “Shelly”

The first time I heard Grace Ives' “Loose” was magical. Patchy and entertaining, it scratched an itch I somehow never was aware I had in the first place and immediately caught my attention. I quickly added it to my summer playlist and crossed my fingers for an album. Then June came along and after releasing a string of singles, she finally delivered her sophomore album, Janky Star.

Currently rated at a rising 8.4, according to Pitchfork, Janky Star is an album I’d urge anybody to listen to this summer. Crafty and patched up to perfection, the album can only be described as a musical quilt. Each track representing a very unique and quirky patch on her masterfully stitched quilt, Janky Star – much like the traditional accessory – tells a story in all its colorful and fractured glory. As she navigates her 20s and the jankiness of it all – something we can all relate to – Grace manages to mash together the most imaginative sounds, adorned with loops and trinkets. The final product; a deeply imaginative and magnetizing tale of messiness and coming of age.

Roscoe’s Dream by Mapache

Recommended tracks: “Far out of Earshot” and “Asì Es La Vida”

A little off the tracks genre-wise – but amazing nonetheless – Mapache finally released their sophomore album, Roscoe’s Dream, this June. And as the lead single, “I Love My Dog” foreshadowed, the record is nothing but 18 tracks of good vibes and sleepy endearing country rock – with the occasional Spanish flare. Packed with easy going acoustic guitars, soft drums and discreet basslines, this is the perfect album to play for a car ride to a nondescript outdoorsy destination.

The record starts off with their playful ode to Roscoe, titled “I Love My Dog.” Altering between sleepy sea-side tunes and loving anthems (“Man and Woman”) they effortlessly provide the perfect folk-rock experience. And in true Mapache fashion; It doesn't take long before they show off their Spanish guitar and linguistic skills on the fifth track “Asì Es La Vida” (this is life). Featuring some of their most charming harmonies and Spanish guitar licks to date, the track is gold, to put it simply. While you might not think that they’re your cup of tea, I’d say there are some pretty valuable and irresistible tunes worth your attention.

Go Easy by JDM Global

Recommended tracks: “Easygoing” and “Rush Things”

Now for the honorary EP of the round-up, we have JDM Global’s debut EP Go Easy. Fun and easygoing, the Go Easy is a perfect introduction to Josh’s (JDM Global) musical universe. While he covers more personal and introspective matters, such as self-love, infatuation and friendship, he still manages to go about things from an experimental and crafty angle. A musical ear-candy from beginning to end, Josh graces the project with the most imaginative and attention-grabbing combinations and samples, completing a beautifully balanced soundscape.

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