Canadian Rising Artist maxime. Invite Us into His Kaleidoscopic World with EP 'mile end (kiss ur friends)'. [EP Review]

Olive Soki

Small details have the power to bring you back to nostalgic places. The sound of birds chirping in the morning, a reminder of the sprouting season to come. A quick breeze reminiscent of joyous summer drives. And the sound of bike gears, which always hint at the freedom granted by the warmer season. No matter how small these insignificant moments may seem, they still evoke tangibly moving experiences. The same thing can be said of maxime.. Although his music is self-produced and engineered from a home studio in his Montreal apartment, his knack for experimentation and genre-bending allows room for fluidity: fluidity that transforms the mundane into sublime.

maxime’s latest EP mile end (kiss ur friends) expands on his experimental style. A collection of intricate loops and patterns sewn together by lyrics rooted in his lived experiences and personal, yet relatable, sentiments, mile end (kiss ur friends) carries charms similar to your most coveted kaleidoscope. Altering our ordinary lives into thrilling adventures, songs like the opener “wedgie,” which outlines the never-ending “1 step forward 2 steps back” journey that is personal growth, take on a new refreshing form, which nearly eclipse the subject at hand. This sense of introspective wanderlust follows throughout the EP and is amplified by the soothing instrumental track, “demo.”

Audibly doused in maxime’s. experimental charms, mile end allows us to appreciate the beauty that can emerge from lesser feelings. A gentle reminder that some of the best things in life can come from the unexpected.

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