Grey Oakes Shoulders the Blame on “Maybe UR Right”

Kieran Kohorst

It’s the last thing any of us want to do: admit that we’re the problem. In coming to this realization, you can hear the strain in Grey Oakes’ voice. He’s timid, perhaps considering that if he lacks conviction in his admittance that the weight of it all will be lessened. Regardless, there is an obvious release of pressure in the instrumental. The wavy backdrop for the track hints at an easing of distress, using his guitar as support to lean on in a moment of crisis. As subdued as the conflict of “Maybe UR Right” is presented, the track closes with escalating stakes as the pace picks up and the tone intensifies. For as difficult as the subject matter is, “Maybe UR Right” is an easy listen, practicing catharsis in even the most challenging of times.

Based in North Carolina, Grey Oakes is a self-sufficient multi-hyphenate artist with a knack for taking moments and expanding them through his music. His lone 2022 release “SYWA” touched on the abrupt stoppages resulting from the pandemic in a similar fashion to “Maybe UR Right”, providing a swift-sounding track that underlies the deep sentiments he builds around. Frequently collaborating with Julius Tunstall and LA producer Daniel Price, Grey Oakes continues to expand his creativity and lend his talent to others. His growth is evident with each subsequent listen, only heightening the anticipation for his next release.

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