re6ce’s “can we change the subject?” Proves Yet Again Why They Are a Superstar

Ian Hansen

re6ce, the 16-year-old Liverpool artist, has once again demonstrated why they've become my favorite artist at the moment and my most listened-to artist of 2023 with their latest release, "can we change the subject?". Their vocals glide effortlessly over the post-punk inspired instrumentals, creating a sound that's uniquely their own.

"can we change the subject?" showcases re6ce's incredible vocal range, with their hypnotic singing and higher pitched layers adding an ethereal quality to the track. The guitar melody is hauntingly beautiful and never fails to send shivers down my spine. re6ce's raw and emotional delivery only enhances the song's impact, making it one of their best vocal performances to date. Lyrically, the song appears to be a reflection on life's struggles and the stresses that come with it.  

“Never really knew I could get this far. Been on my own for a minute now. It's been too long, feeling stressed out. And they said "roll with the punches," is relatable to anyone who's ever experienced the pressure's quick success such as re6ce.

As a fan, I'm eagerly anticipating what else re6ce has in store for us this year. With their unique sound and incredible talent, I'm certain that whatever they create will be nothing short of spectacular.

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