Earn Money with Your Favorite Artists with Signed 2.0 Marketplace


Since their launch last summer, Signed is continuing to enhance their platform, helping artists make a living without the financial backing of a major label. Introducing Signed 2.0 – a marketplace for musicians to offer investment opportunities for their fans to share a piece of the revenue generated from royalties, merchandise, ticket sales, NFTs, or any other financial venture a musician may embark on. This is done by musicians having their own ERC Elite token through Signed. When a fan owns and stakes an artist’s token, they are paid out from any royalties or profits a musician has staked to the token. The more you have staked in a token, the more you would generate from the artists’ revenue streams.

For the official launch, musicians are currently only backing each token with music royalties from select songs. If you see the Signed LLC tag at the bottom of a track, then you know it is an official token. Signed is debuting the new marketplace with the rising musicians Cartier God, Joeyy, BicFlame, HM Surf, and Marlon DuBois. Every royalty, transaction fee, and market generation a musician accrues feeds back into the Signed token.

You can learn more about Signed 2.0 below:

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