Zane Christopher Calls Out to the Universe in His New Single, “Sedona”

Olive Soki

The last time we heard from Zane Christopher, he had just released his first single of the year, “Young.” And, since its release, he’s garnered the attention of more than 600,000 listeners across streaming platforms, collaborated with producer Jon Gilbert, and compiled a handful of tracks to be released on his debut project due later in the year. Now back to share more music and give you an idea as to what to expect from him in the future, he offers up his new single, “Sedona.”

An airy and heartfelt meditation on intuition and compassion, “Sedona” is a track which will most likely speak to you on some level. The first half of the song features Zane’s soft-spoken vocals and what feels like a one-on-one talk with the universe. Crystal clear and soothing, it is hard not to perk up your ears and eavesdrop on this exchange. Accompanied by a simple acoustic riff and billowy harmonies, he keeps it simple, yet ever so impactful. And, ending in an explosive fashion, the last minute or so of the song is beautifully decorated by earth-shattering synths and drum fills, reminiscent of an epic meteor shower.

Speaking of the cathartic track Zane shares, “I think we’ve all been to that place where we want something, badly, and try controlling how we get there. After a certain amount of time, your body just says ‘enough of this. I give up’. (...) That's definitely happening in this track.”

Marking his second release of the year — and third one to date — Christopher seems to be on a steady and promising path, "Sedona" being one of many steps in the right direction.

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