Hear Hopeless Romanticism at Its Finest in Sam Soto’s New Track, “LALA”

Seba Cowsill

It’s not easy being a hopeless romantic. Dreaming of finding the special someone to settle down with, looking for them in everyone. It’s even harder when you lose who you thought was that person. In Sam Soto’s new single “LALA”, he writes about just that, in the most ditzy, fun, in denial way.

The song sounds exactly like how a hopeless romantic would view the situation. I know that sounds weird, but hear me out. The silly, upbeat feeling of the track is an interesting take when thinking about what context it’s in, but yet is exactly why the track works. With bubblegum choruses and colorful verses, the track sounds hopeful, cheerful even, and overly positive. Rather than coming from the perspective of a somber person gripping with the pain of the break up, it sounds like it’s from a person who can’t, and won’t accept the reality that he’s just been dumped. While he admits to feeling vulnerable, he’s still begging for the other to stay. And the fun excitement of the track feeds right into the feeling of, “Yeah, she’ll definitely stay. This will definitely work itself out. Right?”

With all of this Sam Soto really shows off his writing ability, capturing the denial stage of grief from a hopeless romantic perfectly. Not only that, but mixing this feeling into the upbeat indie-pop production really shows off his ability to create a good, fully fleshed out idea. While I’ve been a fan of Sam Soto’s talent for some time now, he’s definitely someone you should have on your radar as well, as he’s starting off the year stronger than ever.

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