Honeyboys Blend Both Genre and Time Period on “Davinci”

Tyler Borland

The San Louis Obispo quartet known as Honeyboys have made the best out of lockdown by spending their quarantine focusing on their artistic vision.

Through a handful of singles such as “I Just Wanna Know” and “Grapevine Pt. II & II,” Honeyboys have built an audience that is drawn to their easygoing blend of indie rock, pop, and punk music. The standout moment of each Honeyboys track is the emotive vocal performances paired with catchy songwriting. Their newest track, “Davinci,” is one of Honeyboys’ best. The instrumental of the track draws in listeners immediately.

“I took a classic soul progression and sped it up to the point where it became a punk song” says guitarist Reese Gardner. Lead vocalist, Ari Eisenberg, once again comes through with energetic vocal delivery fit for a crowded basement show. “Davinci” is a modern interpretation of old school sounds that is set apart from contemporaries through witty songwriting. The band is just beginning to hit their stride and this next year is likely to be one of growth as the group consistently puts out high quality singles. Make sure to check out “Davinci” by Honeyboys and check back for more new music from the group.

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