Jady Reveals All On New Single "Stunner" off 'Napalm" Album

Riley Furey

Jady is one of the hottest bands coming out of the Ohio scene right now, and they are officially off the back of releasing their sophomore album, Napalm. While the whole album is worth a listen, I wanted to give you a place to start from if you’ve never been introduced to their music before.

After listening through the album, my first favorite from the new releases is without a doubt "Stunner." Not only is it perfect for a windows down cruise where you’re driving a little faster than you should be, but it sheds light on one of the most relatable internal battles that we all have. Should we let ourselves stay inside and rest, or should we pursue our goals and dreams to a blinding and possibly harmful extent? Listening through the album will help get you to that final decision, but within listening to "Stunner" alone; the decision is wholly yours on what to do next.

The Columbus/Akron based band has been making waves higher than any other musicians I’ve seen rising in the state; and with guidance directly from Twenty One Pilots, it’s safe to say their future is brighter than the flames that will remain after their album Napalm scorches the Earth. I reviewed the album on my own if you needed to be convinced to dive deeper into the world they built, and I promise that you won’t regret giving these guys a chance.

P.S. If you like this song, my next recommendation is "Ditty" which adds a new perspective to this idea while also just being a straight banger.

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